RAV1043 - Coming Soon

Illustrator Mel is tasked with designing a friendly marketing campaign for a drone that maintains public order, but first, he must create its voice.

A short inspired by the life of legendary cartoonist and voiceover artist Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Tweety, Sylvester, Woody Woodpecker, Barney Rubble, and many more), this ambitious film explores the tension between an artist’s integrity and the need to pay the bills. With VFX by Magiclab and a magnificent score by John Metcalfe, RAV1043 premiered at the Oscar-qualifying Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival.

Starring // Sid Phoenix, Sian Clifford, Dimitri Leonidas, Gerald Lepkowski

Director // Mark Buchanan
Producers // Paul Harry Thomas, Terese Bröchner Christensen
DOP // Chris Newcombe
Composer // John Metcalfe
VFX // Magiclab